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Sunday, November 9, 2008

No double Q's but contacts are back

I ran Enzo in an AKC trial this weekend. Tooney was entered but one of her anal glands ruptured again. This is the third time so our vet said that we should get them removed. Poor girlie.

Yesterday Enzo got second place in jww. I kind of took it easy and did all rear crosses. It felt a little slow after doing USDAA all last week but he still did it in 5.57 yds/sec so I guess it wasn't actually slow. In standard he had a really nice run but knocked one bar. He stopped on the dogwalk but not the aframe but he was coming down all the way instead of leaping off.

Today JWW was a little rocky the whole time but he stayed on course until the very end when he ran past the last jump. It was totally my fault as I should have rear crossed the 2nd to last jump. In standard he shot out of the tunnel and took an off course jump. He also stopped in the middle of the weaves and started sniffing around. I dont think he's ever done that before. He was fine the second time when I restarted him. Again he had nice contacts at least. He really drove down to the end of the dogwalk and stopped and the aframe he didn't stop but came all the way down.


Sarah Duke said...

Oh my! I'm so sorry to hear about Tooney! I hope she's feeling better soon. I know a dog locally, who had his anal glands removed and he seems to be doing well.

Weird that Enzo sniffed during the weaves, was it after his OC? Maybe he was stressed about that? Glad to hear you got the contacts back! Pesky little things huh?!

AgileAussies said...

No it wasn't after the off course, the off course was at the very beginning but the weaves were right after the table and he had to thread through the triple and the tire jump to get to them so it's possible he was unsure. He's not one who normally stress sniffs though.