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Sunday, November 16, 2008

AKC trial 11/15-16

Tooney is all healed up and got to run this weekend. She was happy about that. Saturday, Tooney got 2nd in JWW and Enzo knocked the triple. Tooney actually beat Enzo's time by 0.5 seconds this run. In Standard, Tooney went into the wrong side of the weaves but Enzo was clean. Enzo ended up with 4th place but only a few tenths out of 2nd place. The first place dog was a few seconds faster. He also had his fastest YPS in standard to date with 4.3 YPS. His table is definitely a lot better. He stil hesitates a little but not too bad. He self releases on the contacts but at least he's not leaping off. On the dogwalk, he slows down the last few steps and when he reaches the last stride before his front feet would hit the ground, he just takes off and leaves me in the dust. Not exactly the behavior, I'm aiming for. But note that again Enzo missed a double Q by one bar! ergh.

When I got home on Saturday, the skies were filled with smoke. This in one problem with living in Southern CA. Our house is about 15 miles from where the fire was and we live in a pretty urban area so no danger of fire reaching our house but I defintely wonder about the long term health effect of breathing in all that smoke. The wind changed later in the afternoon and started blowing the smoke away from our house instead of directly over it.

Sunday I went back to the trial. The trial was fairly close to the other fire so the air was a little smokey there too. Both dogs ran clean in JWW. Enzo had one wide turn but still beat Tooney's time by half a second this time. He ended up with 4th place but again only a few tenths out of second and about a second out of first. His YPS was 5.8 so defintely a good time. In standard, Tooney took and off course jump. They were supposed to come out of a tunnel and turn 180 in the chute but she shot out straight in front of me and took the triple. Enzo ended up taking the wrong ended of the tunnel after the teeter so no double Q's this weekend. I think that pretty much kills my chances of getting him Q'd for AKC nationals. He only has 5 chances to get 4 double Q's so not likely at all.

1 comment:

Sarah Duke said...

That's great that Tooney's almost all healed! Yeah for Enzo's table too! LOL at his contacts, they sound so familiar to a little red dog I know. That sucks about the smoke! I am going to email you about the QQs ~ you can do!