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Friday, November 7, 2008

22" for Enzo

I've made the decision to move Enzo out of Performance and jump him at 22" Championship for USDAA. We practiced at 20" in Tuesday night's class and 22" in Wednesday nights class and he did great at those heights. I don't think he knocked any bars on Tuesday and maybe 2 on Wednesday but those were kind of hard angles to begin with and I was taking off away from him. Last time that I ran him at 22" (about a year ago other than at home) he was lacking confidence and would slow down and add strides to make sure he didn't knock any bars but now it didn't seem to bother him at all. He's just under 18" so on the smaller side for the jump height but this dog can jump up to my head level when he wants so you would think 22" shouldn't be a problem!

Our next USDAA trial is December 6-7 which is a Tournament only trial so we should be able to get lots of practice in at 20/22" before that. I'd just better remember to practice triple and double jumps at home since we don't set those up in class very often. Already have a great DAM team set up for Enzo with two of his border collie classmates and Tooney has a very solid PVP partner too for that trial.

We have 4 AKC weekends before that. Hopefully the work that I've been doing on his contacts this week sunk in. I brought the target back out and that seems to have revived some of his enthusiasm for the 2on/2off position.

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