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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Running Dogwalk from this week

I was sick with a cold this week so didn't really feel like posting our practice sessions so I'm putting them all in this post.

Our first practice session this week, I was feeling like crap but didn't want to slack off too much so I went out and did a quick session with Enzo. He was doing great without the box again but I wanted to work turns and though the box would help. Unfortunately he completely forgot the box and acted like it was on fire! I was too tired to work through it so let it go.

Here's our next practice session which was a couple days after that. This time I worked through the issues with the box.

By the end of the session he was doing better with the box.

Here's today's session. I started without the box and then put it back on. He's still doing better without the box on straight exits but he really needs some kind of help on turns. He shortens up and then doesn't make the contact.

My instructor, Stephanie suggested trying to use just a bar and see if I can teach him that he just needs to step over the bar. I might try that tommorrow.


Sarah Duke said...

Looks good! I like Stephanie's idea, I think I'm going to do something similar with Kate's frame, using a clear plastic strip or something.

AgileAussies said...

what do you think you'll use for a clear plastic strip? I was thinking of making a box out of 1/2" pvc but open to any other ides!

Sarah Duke said...

I am planning to wander around Home Depot on my lunch break, I'll let you know! Maybe those clear wall corner strip thingys?