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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Catching up.

I'm behind again on posting. Anyways here's video from last weekend's trial.

He double Q'd and placed 1st in both runs. His standard run was smoking but looks like he actually missed the contact but didn't get called.

I also have video from Thursday and Friday's dogwalk practice. Thursday I worked some turns back into the tunnel under the dogwalk which went pretty well. Pulling still not working.

Friday's practice I worked on driving straight, pulling into the tunnel, and pulling off the tunnel completely . Seems like front crosses close to the dogwalk work ok for him.

Today we went to a trial and didn't do so great. In JWW, he knocked the first bar and then had some other issues. In standard, it was a really difficult dogwalk exit. It was a tight pull to a aframe/tunnel discrimination and the dogwalk was going into the fence. They had to take the tunnel which was closer and really tight to get into it. Then the jump after the tunnel was really far and hard to get to. I couldn't come up with a good solution so decided to try running laterally to the tunnel entrance. I lead out a little too far and got to the tunnel a step too soon and enzo came off the side of the dogwalk. Well, at least I know that lateral distance and not driving forward isn't going to work for us right now.

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