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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Smart puppy

Sometimes Slayte does some things that are kind of scary smart for a little pup that is not quite 4 months old. Yesterday we took him by himself to the school that is in our neighborhood to play. He pulled the whole way there like he knew where he was going but that is pretty straightforward. On the way home, he was pulling again and passed up the first street and then turned right up our street. Once he got on our street he started scanning, looking to the side and sniffing the ground on occasion but still pulling forward. Once he got to our house he pulled hard and right up the driveway with no hestation at all. He's only been over to the school maybe 4 or 5 times total and always with another dog before!

He weighed around 22 lbs yesterday and roughly 15.5"; tall at 16.5 weeks. Enzo was 16 lbs at 17 weeks according to the vet reciept that I found yesterday so Slayte is definitely bigger.

Oh and here's a video from last weekend. Enzo really rocked the dogwalk contact. He's been leaping a lot when I practice in the backyard but does good in competition and mostly good in class. Right now he seeems to do better if I hang back a bit. Before he did better if I ran hard and ahead. Go figure.

1 comment:

Sarah Duke said...

Java leaps in practice too but seems to understand in competition. What is that about? Gorgeous run.