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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

AKC Nationals Recap Part 1

Video will come later after we get home from our cross country trip. We left our house last Monday to drive cross country to Lexington. Monday we stopped by the Hawley's place in AZ to make our final decision on our puppy. After our first trip out we really liked two of the puppies. I thought it would be a difficult decision which one but in the end, we just knew which one was the "right" one for us. We came to the realization in about 15 minutes this time. So the puppy formally known as Frost, now Slayte, will be coming home with us at the end of our trip. We had a great time chatting with the Hawley's for the rest of that evening and got to hug and play with our puppy a little.

So then we spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday driving, and driving and driving with our trailer. Enzo was pretty good Monday and Tuesday but then Wednesday he just had enough. Started whining and screaming at us. We let him play a little frisbee at some of our stops and that helped a little. He was starting to get a pretty crazed looked on his face.

We arrived in Lexington aroung 7pm on Thursday and we were all very happy to be done with driving for a few days!

Friday was the State Team Tournament which is mostly just for practice. I didn't really have great runs with either dogs but they were both just really happy to be running and quite excited! Enzo's running contacts looked good so that was reassuring but his running teeter flyoff was not! I marked it with a hey! and made him pause for a second, was just really hoping to make some kind of impresssion on him! I couldn't tell at the time if he cared or not. Tooney looked great in both her runs but for some reason Friday is a blur and I don't really remember much of anything else about it right now!

I think that's enough typing for now so more later!

1 comment:

Sarah Duke said...

lol good start :)

love the pic of Enzo all like - um this is boring... let's go.