Then the standard course was kind of interesting. The teeter was sticking in the mud when it hit and when that happened Enzo stuck the teeter too! Only a split second but still a definite pause. So that has me wondering if it's the rebound on the teeter that makes him want to get off quickly or if he sees that as his release. The line after teeter didn't go too well but I saved it. I must have put pressure on his line before he passed me by. He did lateral weaves again with no problem. I front crossed before the aframe just to make sure I could get ahead for the dogwalk but I almost didn't make the front cross because I couldn't run quickly in the mud. I think that might be why he was a little high on the aframe but he still got in. His dogwalk was awesome though and he did push out incredibly even though I didn't quite get ahead of him for the push. Got the Q though and 1st place!
Monday, Jeff came along since we both had the holiday. JWW had some pretty tough lines and a lot of zig zag stuff. I did a double front cross in the beginning and that actually went pretty well. Then in the sequence after the weaves I did a front into a rear cross but he didn't see my rear cross and we got a back jump. A lot of people ran ahead and serped or pushed off the jump before the one I got a backjump on but I didn't really think I could get there with Enzo and it would be really ugly if I didn't.
In standard, he had great contacts again but clipped a bar. After watching the video, I wasn't real happy with how far to the right I ran before rear crossing the tunnel. I need to focus on setting his line early and then driving in a straight line. Then going through the box after the tunnel I didn't set his line properly again and he ran for the back of the chute!
Video of both runs that Jeff took:
The overhead view of standard:
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