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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Last Trial before Invitational!

I entered Enzo in two days of the 3 day Thanksgiving weekend trial. Last weekend to practice before the invitational. The first run on Friday was standard and it was a train wreck! He was totally wild and kind of doing his own thing. My main concern was him blowing his dogwalk contact off the start but his teeter was good and aframe kind of borderline but he got it. His JWW was good though and he got first place. He was still pretty amped up and I felt like I was just barely holding on. Probably a side effect of not getting worked enough lately by either me or Jeff. It's hard when it gets dark so early.

Sunday's Standard went much better. His contacts were all solid and he was paying attention. He had a blazing fast run and got first place. There were a couple wraps and he turned tight on them. I think he had the fastest time of all the heights too. He did break his startline right before I released him which should have been a hint to me in JWW.

So in JWW I was planning on leading out to tthe 3rd jump and doing a lead out pivot but enzo went when I was halfway between the 2nd and 3rd jump. I tried to do a running front cross and he knocked the triple (2nd jump) and then pulled into the wrong end of the tunnel which I was too far behind for. I was happy with the rest of the run though. I just need to be aware that I may not have a long leadout at the invitational. At Nationals they usually try to design courses that don't allow for long leadouts because it makes the day go faster so hopefully that's the case for Invitational too!

Well the rest of the week is going to be contact practice, some stay practice and maybe some lateral weave practice!

1 comment:

Sarah Duke said...

For me, bad practices (or runs) before something important is a good sign! So hopefully it holds true for you as well! ;) Good luck we'll be cheering for you!