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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Enzo and Jeff's IDC qualifier routine

I've been working a lot so haven't had much time for blogging in the past month. Things should be getting back to normal now. This was from June 13 when Jeff and Enzo competed in the qualifer for the Incredible Dog Challenge. They had an awesome routine with only 3 drops but missed qualifying by 1.5 points.


menelegs said...

hey how did my dog get out there?
It's crazy how their markings are similar.

Great job team Enzo!

Sarah Duke said...

Nice round. I'm surprised they didn't make the cut!

AgileAussies said...

yeah so were we!! oh well, Benny Wong who was one of the two judges said something to us this weekend that implied that the other judge didn't like Jeff's routine because it has a lot of technical close stuff and not enough crowd appeal for an event like Purina's.