Went to an AKC trial this weekend. Enzo was jumping 20" to get him more practice at the higher height. He seems to be gaining more confidence at 20" since the last trial. It's kind of nice having my two dogs in different divisions since I get an extra walkthrough between my two! Gives me some time to think about what did or didn't work.
My first run was Tooney's JWW. She broke her start and knocked the first bar but the rest of the run was good. Enzo had a few wide turns but he was clean and ended up getting first! Next was standard. Tooney was having a good run but went over an off course jump when she was supposed to turn to the table. When I ran Enzo I made sure to talk to him before the took that jump before the table. Enzo had a nice run in STD and even sat on the table instantly but I pulled him off the jump after the weaves. I was moving away ahead and laterally to get ahead for a front cross later on and he just came right to me and right by the jump. I guess a "go over" would have helped. I just took the jump for granted since it was straight ahead. He did stop nicely on his contacts though.
In Sunday's JWW, Tooney broke her stay and then I was late on a front cross and she ran behind me to take an off course jump. She's really difficult to call off of something once she's locked on. Enzo held his stay but I was still a little late on the same front cross and he knocked the bar so maybe a rear cross would have been better! I'm working on handling more aggressively so it will take me a little while to figure it out. I couldn't quite get there in time to show deceleration before he took off so he jumped long and straight and then saw me turning which caused to bar to come down.
In standard both dogs did really well. Tooney leapt from the dogwalk a little high but didn't get called for it and she ended up getting first in 16". It's a problem when I don't keep running straight with her on the dogwalk. Enzo also did really well. He spaced out a little on the table and wouldn't make eye contact but he sat after a couple seconds. He still managed to get first in 20" though. His time was a couple seconds behind Tooney's because of the table. Unlike Saturday, he ran all of his contacts this time.
11 years ago