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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sydney's Retirement

The other news of the weekend is that we decided to officially retire Sydney from Frisbee competitions. He is going to be 11 next month. His body is still in really good shape but his mental focus just isn't there anymore. He keeps dropping the disc out at 40 yds and wandering off. Also, before you throw the disc he's just impossible to keep in a stay which gets really frustrating. He has just become more and more difficult to deal with in a competition setting and it's not that fun anymore for either him or us. So the last frisbee competition of the season is also the last of his career. Sydney had a good long run. It's just too bad that he didn't have a better foundation in his early training.

1 comment:

M.Y.Hsu said...

So is Sydney moving on to suffleboard?