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Monday, September 10, 2012

LG is in Excellent!

LG is in Excellent A in both JWW and Standard after just 6 weekends of trials. He is so awesome and so easy right now. Only thing that I don't like is his startline. I seem to be able to get to where I need to by saying Wait! but he is pretty pushy and always gets up. Actually he always lays down and then stands up and takes a couple steps. Now that we are out of open, I am going to take some pressure off of him on his dogwalk and teeter contacts and see what happens. I've been telling him to wait to make sure he stops but seems to be causing a little creepiness so I am going to try to not say anything. His running aframe has been right on the line often but I feel like he should get it eventually. He is not one striding so that is good. He already has two ExA JWW q's!

Here is his Open Standard run which finished his OA title

Here is his first time in Excellent JWW.

There are more videos on youtube but I am not going to post them all here.

It's been really hot here too. 90s-100s for the past month. I am ready for cooler weather but I am glad to see that Slayte is ok with working in the heat. When it is this hot my brain doesn't work that well. Enzo hasn't gotten a double Q in quite some time so we still need 3 more for nationals.


Unknown said...

He looks great! Interesting table behavior in standard! :)

AgileAussies said...

Thanks! LOL! Yeah he's a pushy one for sure!