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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

LG's First Agility Trial

I love starting the baby dogs. Never know what to expect which makes it exciting! I entered him in T2B only for his first trial. When I entered him, I didn't know if his stop on the dogwalk would be ready yet and they run T2B in the morning so I wouldn't have to wait all day for Novice. His stop on the dogwalk is actually good now so I'll do novice with him on July 29.

Here's the video from his first run. He did really awesome. He just forgot how to hit his weave entrance. I didn't help much either. Lol. Watching the video I can see that I just went flying past them like I would with Enzo and then I was too spastic trying to bring him back which just got him too wound up. He also hit higher than he normally does on the Aframe but that is kinda normal when he gets on a new aframe. Luckily he normally hits pretty low unlike Enzo who is almost always in that top 6"! I wasn't sure if he would do the tire properly since the last time we did it he kept going under it, but he did fine with that. No issues with the bouncy teeter either which is just awesome. I also exhibited self comtrol by not saying anything when he stopped a little short on the teeter until he put his front feet on the ground. Ha!

I went home and practiced weaves and of course he did fine there. Next day, Slayte did awesome again. He was pushier at the start which was not suprising. He has been having issues with stays lately in practice. Patience has never been one of his virtues! He remembered how to weave though. Yay! Also nice stop on the teeter even and nice deep hit on the aframe. There was one turn that I thought was a little wide but that was my fault. Can you figure out which one? LOL because my standards for Slayte's turns are much higher than for Enzo.

Oh and here are a couple bonus videos of Enzo.

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