Years ago when Enzo was young I had tried taking herding lessons with him for about 6 months or so. We didn't really get anywhere and he just got really wild and started just running in circles and refused to change directions. Tooney got interested and was much less crazy at first but somehow she ended just running in circles too so I stopped trying to herd.
Now Slayte is here so I'm trying to herd again. I'm hoping that maybe I won't mess him up too. I think we are making some progress and I'm starting to get it. Slayte is pretty crazy about it already but he does seem to be more willing to work wider than Enzo is which seems to be making things easier on me. I'm also trying Enzo again. He is still crazy but he will lie down now if I tell him too. Didn't have that before and don't have that with Slayte right now.
Anyways here is video from Slayte's second turn at his second lesson, the first one was pretty wild. This time he worked pretty nice. Enzo only gets one turn because he runs too fast and wears his pads off if he does two turns.
And here is Enzo's turn. Sometimes I feel like I am more of a goalie than a partner with him. haha.
11 years ago
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