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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Slayte's first competition and Enzo is forced to do agility.

I ran Enzo in an ASCA agility trial this past weekend while Jeff judged a local UFO and played Toss and Fetch with Tooney and Slayte. I'm sure Enzo would rather do Frisbee but what he doesn't know won't hurt him and I would really like to qualify for ASCA Finals in 2012 since they are in Bakersfield. He has a blast running those ASCA courses though. He ended getting 2.5 Q's in standard and 4 Q's in jumpers. He broke his speed record and ran one jumpers course in 7.00 YPS! He also had one standard course that was almost 6 YPS. He has a total of 9 points towards finals now. I think the half Q's don't count towards that.

Jeff played with Slayte at his first ever competition and he did awesome. Really happy with how his retrieve looked. He's a lot slower coming back when we play at home. I believe that he's still struggling with whether he should bring it back or run off with it at home. He also didn't seem to mind the sun and at home he often wants shade. Anyways here's the video!

oh and latest measurement was 17" and weight was 25 lbs.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Slayte catches first disc!

The little guy, AKA LG, has caught his first disc at 4.5 months old. Very proud of him. I have not given him very many discs in the air - almost all rollers. As a matter of fact, I think I only gave him discs in flight 1 other session. I was able to tell at that time he was still too young. I told Jenn this past week that he is going to catch discs soon. In our previous session, I didn't even think of throwing one for him. Just slipped my mind. Today I went out and towards the end of the session decided to throw one. He missed the 1st one but jumped for it. I threw another - jumped for it and missed. I got him all wound up and made a perfect throw and he caught it! It was very cute. He was tired and as soon as he caught it, he ran to the shade and sat there with his trophy.

Very good! He won't be seeing a lot of discs in the air right now, but it's good to see he caught one so early. I will probably give him 2-3 throws at the end or middle of a session just to keep him familiar with the flying disc, but for the most part, everything will be on the ground as I want to focus on fundamentals and basic skills.

He is already an expert at 'around' and 'circle' (the opposite of 'around'). He learned how to go around after just 1 session. He's a scary-smart dog. If he channels that intelligence and is able to focus it... LOOK OUT!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Slayte-Chia Pet

Slayte is growing fast. He's going to be bigger than Enzo. Probably 8-10lb.

He is a little monster and in some ways worse than ever. He bites everything constantly. He is in constant motion and rarely sleeps it seems. He has more energy than Enzo and Tooney put together at that age. He has more energy than Jenn and I along with the other dogs all put together. It's kind of scary. Tooney was super hyper at that age, but would run for 15 minutes then sleep 2 hours. This little guy runs for hours and hours and hours on end. Will not stop.

He's starting to retrieve discs and loves to chase rollers. We spend most of our training doing restrained recalls and doing some lefts, rights, sits, etc.

He is absolutely wearing me out. My shoulder hurts from tugging and restraining him on recalls. I hope he gets the focus he needs to harness that energy.