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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Enzo Agility Videos

Bought some videos from 4 Legged Flix. I love their overhead view and HD quality!

Here's Enzo's JWW from Sunday. I was going to front cross between the two jumps after the aframe but chickened out and pulled. Caused a wide turn at the 180 turn but he still got first place! I was quite suprised since both Dash and Rogue were clean.

Here's Saturday's Standard. Also 1st place!

Sunday's JWW and another 1st.

Sunday's Standard. I didn't cue the turn after the aframe much at all and then he also blasted straight off the dogwalk which messed up our line to the teeter so he hit the panel jump.


Sarah Duke said...

aww your little ferrari looks like so much fun to drive! awesome runs jenn! I love the contacts, his frame looks really nice.

AgileAussies said...

Thanks! yes he is a lot of fun to drive, especially now that we've installed some better power steering! lol.