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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AKC Nationals Day 1

Wow, where to begin...From the beginning I guess! So we made the long drive out to Tulsa. Got to the site around 8ish on Thurday. It was almost 9 by the time we got the trailer set up and then my crates and stuff. We were starving and called around until we found a BBQ place that was open. Hooray for ribs, brisket and smoked chicken!

Friday we started with the ISC classes. Tooney ran at 18" since she's small enough to make the cutoff and Enzo ran at 16". The ISC JWW course was really tough. At first glance we were all like really?? yeah right. Here's a link to the course
I walked four front crosses into a rear cross/threadle or a possible 5th front cross. With Tooney I was late on the fourth front cross and she went off course. With Enzo, I had to bail on the third front cross and got through with rear crosses somehow. Both nailed the rear cross into a threadle! well Tooney had a bar down but she came through between the jumps. Then there was a long run into a send to the backside of the jump. I ran through with Tooney and front crossed which caused her to go wide. I sent Enzo to the back side, and he turned really tight but knocked the bar. Even with me not running my plan, Enzo still ended up with a really good time and would have been in 9th place if the bar didn't come down.

The ISC standard course was a lot more reasonable although it had some tight spots too.
ISC Standard
Tooney didn't read the turn over jump 16 and ended up backjumping. Enzo had another nice run but knocked the second jump. I think I said something to him while he was over the bar. His time would have put him in 10th without the bar.

CA ended up winning the state team tournament so that was cool. There was no final run off this year like they've had in the past.

To be continued in the next post... Videos will probably be posted on Friday since I have the day off. Here are the videos from Friday:



1 comment:

Furrari said...

i understood the part about the ribs. the rest was like WTF? sounds like another language.