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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Vegas Disc Dog Competition

We went to Vegas for a UFO Local last weekend. Small competition but well run and the Vegas people are great. The weather was not so great though. It was 108 degrees when we left the field on Saturday! Tooney and Enzo did great in the heat. They didn't seem to mind. Tooney had a great freestyle round, she had tons of energy. Enzo was also awesome. He didn't have any drops until about 2/3's into the routine. Ended up with 3 drops total. Tooney rocked Toss and Catch. Not sure what the total was but she had 5 catches and 3 or 4 were in the zone. Enzo had a good T&C round too but Jeff didn't quite have enough time to get the 5th throw out. Tooney had pretty decent rounds with me in intermediate too but I messed up Enzo's 2nd round.

Tooney ended up 3rd with me in intermediate and won the Open divsion with Jeff! Enzo got second in intermediate. The little girl is still improving and really suprising everyone! That had really factored into our decision to put off getting another dog for a while. We'll re-evaluate in another year.

Sunday I went to an AKC trial but didn't Q in anything. Tooney was off in her JWW run and ended up throwing up afterwards so I scratched her for standard. Enzo knocked 1 bar in JWW when I was too far behind and late on a rear cross. I crossed behind him when he was over the bar. I probably should have just let him jump long on that jump and crossed after he landed. In standard, Enzo had another nice run but missed the aframe contact. I think he's taking little steps instead of striding down the aframe which is causing problems because he's not patient enough to take enough little steps. I'm going to try putting a stride regulator back on top of my aframe and see what that does. I think ee did his aframe the way I want him to do it in class tonight. Hard to see exactly what he's doing sometimes.

1 comment:

Furrari said...

tooney was so good, we decided not to get a puppy for another year!