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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Super Double Q Weekend!!

Enzo actually double double Q'd last weekend and Tooney got a double Q on Sunday! Enzo's standard run was really nice without any bobbles or really wide turns and he placed first! He beat a really fast BC and ACD. In each of his other runs we had a call off in each one but we managed to save them and get through clean. His jumpers on Sunday was also pretty smooth with just a small look at an off course tunnel and got 2nd place behind the BC. Tooney Q'd in JWW on Saturday but left the table early in standard. Also had an off course later on. Sunday Tooney had a really nice standard run and was pretty close to Enzo's time with his almost off course to a tunnel. In JWW, she seemed tired and was over jumping a little which I've never really seen her do before but she got through clean and got the double. She was 3 seconds behind Enzo and she's usually not more than 2 seconds slower.

That's 4 double Q's in the past 3 weeks for Enzo! He's just doing really awesome lately.

1 comment:

Furrari said...

supa qqqqqqqqqqqq