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Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Tooney!

Tooney turned 6 years old today! Hard to believe! Here's a cool pic that my friend Marci's husband Thomas took at Bay Team a few weeks ago. Plus some puppy pics from the archive!

Tooney at 10 weeks old in the snow:

Tooney at 12 weeks old:

5 months old:

7 months old and getting groomed properly (which doesn't really happen much!)

1 year old!

And today 6 years old!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jeff and Enzo are qualified for the UFO World Cup Finals!

We went to a UFO Local competition in Flagstaff AZ this weekend. They did two rounds of freestyle. Their first round was definitely the best routine that they have had so far. Enzo's catch ratio was 83% ! His catching ability is just really improving the past few months. It was pretty windy in the second round but he still caught 70-some percent of the discs. Jeff is doing a lot better with adjusting for the wind now. Jeff and Enzo were by far the most experienced freestyle team out there so even though they didn't have a good Toss & Catch round they still ended up placing first! That gave them enough points to qualify for the UFO World Cup finals. I don't think that we will be able to go this year though.

Tooney also did really well in her routines with Jeff and they placed 3rd overall in Open.

It was a small competition and the AZ Disc Dog Club is pretty new so I ended up being one of the judges for freestyle. That was my first time judging. It was interesting but difficult! All three of us judges were first timers.

We drove back last night and then I went to an AKC trial this morning. Tooney got 2nd place in standard and had a nice jumpers run but knocked a bar. It seems like I got her dogwalk speeded back up again but I'm a little worried that she might start leaping. One issue at a time I guess. Enzo went off couse in standard. He took the wrong end of a tunnel that I could have sworn was not in his line of sight. I know at least two other fast dogs in 16" did the same thing though. In JWW, he knocked a bar early on and then had an off course later on but that was totally my fault.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tooney's ADCH Pictures

Earned her last Masters Jumpers leg under judge Scott Chamberlain at the USDAA Southwest Regional on September 1, 2008!

First Post

I decided to try this blogging stuff out. I'll probably post about our competition results and training challenges. I compete in AKC and USDAA agility with Tooney and Enzo and my husband competes in Disc with them. Sydney our oldest still comes out for some Toss and Fetch even though he can't see that well anymore.

We are going to go to the USDDN Championships in Atlanta in October. Enzo is qualified for Freestyle and Tooney is qualified in Toss and Fetch.

At the end of October we will be going to Cynosport for USDAA Nationals. Both Enzo and Tooney are qualified for Performance National Standard, Performance Speed Jumping, and Performance Versatility Pairs jumping 16".

Until then we have a bunch of local AKC trials for agility and a few UFO local competitions for disc. Enzo just got his AX this past weekend. I figure I have a small outside chance to get him qualified for AKC nationals next year. I know getting 6 double Q's in 3 months is a longshot but it can't hurt to try and he is running pretty consistently lately and isn't even 2.5 yet. Tooney is qualified already. Jeff says that he will drive with me to North Carolina if they are both qualified.