Work has been crazy for me. It's starting to ease up. We decided to go to Colorado this year for the Colorado Canine Challenge. We haven't gone there since 2008 I think. In 2008 it was a bad experience for all kinds of reasons. This year I felt we should give it a go. This is one of the biggest disc dog competitions in the world and is very tough. I think they said something like 15 states were represented at the competition!
This is the first time I did freestyle with Tooney since she reinjured her shoulder. She did great and ended up something like 15th place. She is awesome! She also made the cut for the toss and fetch but was too tired for the final round to be able to have a chance at winning that.
Enzo and Slayte both made the cut in freestyle! I was so excited!!!! Enzo ended up taking 2nd overall. Yeah, 2nd! I am so proud of him. Slayte is already getting high freestyle scores and he has not really performed in competition like he does in practice. I think that's going to change soon and I can't wait for it. He's so good, but he usually doesn't have the energy and mental fortitude to be able to do it on competition day. I think towards the end of this year things are going to start improving for him and I can't wayt!!!
11 years ago