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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2011 AWI Championships and Crusty Classic Videos

Jenn and I went to the 2011 AWI Championships at Purina Farms in Missouri. We drove the trailer and it turned out to be a real nice trip. We got to have St Louis style bbq, which was also a nice plus.

The event was streamed online so my family was able to watch it live, which was nice. Enzo was the first to go in freestyle and had an awesome round. We followed it up with a great toss/fetch round. Our goal was to make the cut to the finals and Enzo made it! We didn't have a good 2nd round of freestyle, but our goal was accomplished. We had a great time.

Here's our first round of freestyle:

I am not sure when we will travel far for another disc dog competition. This may be it for a while. I'm not opposed to it, but the only thing on the list of "to-do" for disc dog traveling is to go to the Skyhoundz finals in Tennessee. I don't like their freestyle format very much as compared to the other organizations, so it is unlikely I will spring for it any time soon unless there are some kind of very special circumstances.

Here's Enzo in his skeleton costume from the Crusty Classic:

Here's Tooney in her little bee outfit from the Crusty Classic:

Thanks to Jenn for putting the videos up!!! She's the best!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Slayte vs. sheep

We got to try Slayte on sheep after our club's frisbee playday today. It was just like Enzo. At first he barked at them like they were scary and then as soon as they ran from him, the switch went on. He seems to be a little naturally wider working than Enzo but just as crazy. At the end I told him to lie down and he did actually hesitate for a split second!

He also did great at frisbee today. His retrieves were great and his focus was good but we only had one dog at a time in the fenced area so the distractions were at a low level. He also caught a bunch and his tracking skills are awesome.